Monday, September 6, 2010

Dragon*Con Days 2 & 3 (Also pic heavy)

So by the time days 2 and 3 rolled around I realized a couple things:

1) I am often too lazy to dig through my huge bag to find my camera to take a picture.

2) My friend Dave's camera is at least TEN TIMES BETTER THAN MINE and he's willing to take pictures when I don't want to.

These two facts coming together has resulted in the pictures of a lot of the people/panels I saw and costumes I noticed being on his camera. Not mine. And he doesn't really post pictures on Facebook so I'm not going to be able to steal the pics from there either.

Well, I guess you'll all just have to wait for the really cool stuff huh?

Look at this guy - I love his costume and I didn't even watch the original Star Trek!

Chakotay and Ensign Kim! (for all the cool people who watched Star Trek Voyager)

From the NYT Bestsellers panel: (L-R) Sherrilyn Kenyon, Jonathan Mayberry (I have to check that), Laurell K Hamilton, Jim Butcher, AJ Hartley, & the moderator

From the BDSM in vampire novels panel (yes Dragon*Con is that fantastic)