Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Musings (7/26)

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about book reviewing.

Do you review books? If so, for who?

If not, have you ever thought about doing so? Why, or why not?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog).

**MUSING MONDAYS is hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

I do review books, and while it hasn't always been for a blog, I'd like to think I've been reviewing books since high school.

I say that because the idea for something like this blog has been with me since then. I've always been that girl who reads incessantly - and I've also been lucky enough to be that girl with the friends who care that she reads. It started off as a simple idea for a website that would list all the books I've read with maybe a star rating or something to give my friends a clue about whether it was worth their time. The only problem with this was that even in high school it was a daunting task to try and catalog and even quick review by personal library.

In college, after Facebook and all those other expressions of generational angst came to the forefront, blogging occurred to me as a possibility I should look into. The problem with that bright idea then was that I was just TOO BUSY to blog consistently about what I was reading. The reading itself might have kept me sane, but finding the time to discuss what was going in and out of my life just wasn't magically appearing and making itself available.

It wasn't until after college really that book blogging became something I could commit the necessary time to. I'm lucky to have a job where I spend the majority of my time sitting in front of the computer, and that allows me the opportunity to take my thoughts about any particular book and release them to everyone. My time doing this has been filled with wonderful books and people and chances to learn more about blogging community. It's never been solely about the book blogs, blogging in general has opened doors to a bazillion other avenues that people have taken to showcase what they love.

I'm honored to be a book blogger and love the places that it's taken me; at this point I can't imagine doing anything else!