Monday, May 31, 2010

Musing Mondays (5/31)

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about book settings.

Do you ever read a word or phrase that sparks a specific place or setting in your mind and makes you crave to read a book with that type of place/setting in it?

PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT with either the link to your own Musing Mondays post, or share your opinion in a comment here (if you don’t have a blog).

**MUSING MONDAYS is back to being hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

I don't think that I've ever really read and thought 'I want to go find a book set in blank'. More often I'll be reading and next want to pick up a book with a particular character - or a particular type of personality. As scary as it sounds, I can get burnt out reading. A book can sometimes be too dense or too emotional, and I have to give myself a break before moving on. When I reach this state I'll watch bad TV, maybe bully my roommate into doing something random with me, etc. Sometimes though I'll actually have to reach for another book to get me out of my funk, but there are only certain books that will help.

I'll only wants books with HEA's - and uncomplicated ones at that. The book doesn't have to be romance, I enjoy reading Tamora Pierce's young adult books when I'm in this mood too, but I don't want to have to be so worried about the main character. I want a heroine that's spunky and prepared to take on the world, with the right dose of adventure and humor. In essence, I want a nice, happy, sit in the sun with not a care in the world, read.

Which luckily my bookshelf has to offer.