To share in the debauchery just think of one of your favorite alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages and say why you love it and how to make it! You can link to your own blog or leave a comment below with your choice, but please include the mixology of whatever it is so that other people can give it a try!
I decided this week to go with something refreshing without the alcohol and pick a drink that's good to have no matter what mood you're in - the ever so classic Shirley Temple. This used to be my drink of choice whenever I
I unfortunately don't have as much cause to go to Chili's or Ruby Tuesdays as often as I did in North Carolina, but if you find yourself in a semi-nice sit down restaurant, I recommend that you give the Shirley Temple another chance and let it win your heart away from those oh so simple, unadorned, fountain beverages.