Monday, June 14, 2010

Giveaway Winners!!

First off I want to say thank you to everyone who entered! This is only my second giveaway and it's so much fun to send these books off to a new home!

The Romance category had 3 entries:

Blog Entries

1. Patti
2. TV and Book Addict
3. Lindy

And chosen with the help of (see inset) the winner is.....


Congratulations Patti!

The Facebook and Reading Doo-dad giveaways only had one entry each so a big CONGRATULATIONS to Tamara for winning Winds of Fate and to Patti for pulling a double and winning the reading doo-dad!

Facebook Entries
1. Tamara F **WINNER**

Reading Doo-dad Entries

1. Patti **WINNER**

Tamara I've sent you a Facebook message and Patti, an email to you, please get back to me when you get a chance so I can send off your prizes tomorrow!

Thanks to everyone who entered and keep an eye out for my next giveaway!